
Archive for March, 2011

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The lesson of Neuköln is, in essence, mirrored around the globe. Neuköln is Paris. Neuköln is Malmö. Neuköln is Oslo. Neuköln is London. Neuköln is Zimbabwe. Neuköln is Los Angeles. Neuköln is any location where we become a minority and forfeit all authority. I attended 12 different public schools between ages 6 and 18 — the last of which was 79% “Hispanic” (though by no means 21% White) — and I witnessed a marked turning of the tide, firsthand, between childhood and early adulthood. All of my closest friends increasingly attended White-minority public schools as well, and without exception, irrespective of whatever geographic distance lay between us, we arrived at parallel perspectives over the years. The pattern plays out in virtually every major city where non-Europeans establish numerical significance. We are disrespected, harassed, and violently shoved to the margin whenever and wherever foreigners amass presence and think they have gained the upper hand. Those in denial invariably tend to be those who can afford to mask the reality or live well above it. They’re the first to cry “racist!” when it might earn them a few p.c. points, yet generally the last to have ever lived or worked side by side for any extended period with those they so detachedly romanticize as “equals“. Of course, from such a distance, everyone must appear indistinguishable. When will “our representatives” learn what is so painfully obvious to the rest of us here? They do not represent or serve our interests. This situation is simply unsustainable. Every single country which has taken on this burden is sinking fast. When will someone with a resonant voice and mainstream connections state the obvious on this matter and help to initiate a sea-change? Who gains by shying away or turning a blind eye to these problems? How long can prosperity stabilize the ivory towers of reckless legislators around the globe? Those in positions of authority and influence import this wretched refuse, and when their terms end, they merely pass it on to the next generation. As numbers continue to multiply and we lose more of our rights and more of our living-space, all of the more moderate solutions are dashed, one by one. Who can fail to see where such foolhardy policies have lead us? And once an understanding is reached, who in their right mind could deliberately maintain such a course? The floodgates are simply swung open, as if there were supposed to be no tomorrow, and as if no one would be left to notice or care, anyhow. We’re told that it is “progressive” to welcome this rising tide, and that it is even righteous and noble to sink and drown. Sheer madness and death worship! These hordes are “asylum seekers”? Where is the gratitude? And “asylum” from whom, exactly? They’ve reduced their host-nations to asylums. Are they not, after all, fleeing the very conditions which they themselves produced (either through action or inaction)? Would their people ever accord us such hospitality, were the tables ever turned? This answers itself. Their perception of “White privilege” countermands any will to assist us when the going gets rough, anyhow. And the reason third-worlders seek a handout from the West in the first place is because we know how to manage our affairs better than most. Generation after generation of selfless labor has yielded the stability which we have come to enjoy — yet today, we invite plunder. We import its assurance. Look how our generosity is repaid, through and through! With outright robbery, treachery, and savagery. Misdirected altruism seeds destruction. We have been forced to welcome a stranger into our home as pitiful guest, yet once this cunning guest thinks he has the upper hand, we’ve found ourselves reduced to the role of lowliest servant. And as the roles rapidly shift from masters of our domain to slaves in the cellar, the majority pretend it simply isn’t happening. They continue on, ignorant and indifferent. They surrender their ground. They “turn the other cheek.” They let fall the reins. They even offer their new masters — that rabble who arrived in rags, palms extended, only yesterday! — more than they ever had to spare, as if this gesture would somehow grant them leniency in the days to come. Generosity to thieves and thugs! Who ever heard of such lunacy?! And anyone who stands up for him or herself today is ostracized as an unpardonable “racist!” — as if there were no greater “offense” conceivable for expressing or exercising anything even approaching the most basic level of vital self-interest. If it is now punishable to act in accordance with the security, survival, and advancement of our people — particularly at a point in history when literally everyone else is fanatically encouraged to pursue such a course — then let us take pride in our “offense”. Let us do it best. And let no title, no matter how unflattering, cause us to shrink in any way from our responsibility. The lesson of Neuköln is this: Neuköln is every White city that falls. Defend your heritage and stand your ground. One by one, day by day, our efforts will restore the glory of our inheritance. -W.

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